This blog has no profit-making purpose, it's just an educational tool. To the best of my knowledge, contents included here are public domain. If I have inadvertently infringed your copyright, please contact me so I may correct the matter.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Sunday, 6 May 2012
File 5 Past simple
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
Irregular verbs 1 Irregular verbs 2 Irregular verbs 3
Click here to revise vocabulary from all the files.

Pictures from:
Sunday, 18 March 2012
File 4 Revision
Click here and choose a vocabulary bank. Listen and repeat.
Adverbs of frequency 1 Adverbs of frequency 2
Prepositions of time 1 Prepositions of time 2
Adjectives 1 Adjectives 2
Daily routine 1 Daily routine 2
Adverbs of frequency 1 Adverbs of frequency 2
Prepositions of time 1 Prepositions of time 2
Adjectives 1 Adjectives 2
Daily routine 1 Daily routine 2
Real English Lesson 26 time-and-frequency CC Double
Part 1: Watch the video and try to understand times, numbers, jobs and how often the people in the video do things.
Part 2: Watch it with subtitles to check.
Don't worry if you don't understand, listening is very difficult. So practise it a lot.
Saturday, 25 February 2012
File 3 Revision
The clock
Do the quizzes to practise:

What time is it?
Days of the week.
Do or Does?
Do/Does; Don't/Doesn't
Short answers
Picture from:
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Saturday, 11 February 2012
File 3C "Do you speak English at work?"
- Grammar:
Exercises 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3
Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6
Exercise 7 Exercise 8 Exercise 9
A/An + job 1 A/An + job 2
- Vocabulary:
What do you do? (Video)
Jobs song (Click on "Start" and listen)
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
Quiz 1 Quiz 2
- Pronunciation: /s/ or /z/ Vowels Stress Monsters
Friday, 10 February 2012
Real English Lesson 24b - "Job" for beginners-CC Double
What do these people do?
- Watch part 1 and write down the jobs you understand.
- Watch part 2 (with subtitles), check your answers and write down the jobs you don't know.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Sesame Street: Grover Is All Out Of Food
- How many words do you understand? (Write them in your notebook)
- What's the one thing they have in the restaurant?
Do you like Sesame Street? I like it a lot. Click here if you want to watch one about spaghetti. It's fantastic!
Videos from
File 3B What do you have for breakfast?
Food & Drinks
Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? Here's some links for food vocabulary.
Food 1 Food 2 Fruit Vegetables
Are you thirsty? Do you want something to drink? Here's a link for drink vocabulary.
What do you have for breakfast?
Do you want to have a meal at a café or at a fast food restaurant?
Do these picture matching quizzes:
Breakfast Drinks Fast food Fruit Vegetables At the café
(Arrastra con el ratón las palabras de la izquierda hasta la foto correcta. Cuando termines, haz click en New game).
Picture from
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Spelling & Phone numbers practice
Happy New Year, guys!!!
Watch the videos and type these people's names.

Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Exercise 8
- There are many more exercises, just click on exercise 9 and then on 10... if you want to practise more. (=Hay muchos más ejercicios, sólo haz click en ejercicio 9, después en el quieres practicar más).
What's your phone number?
Watch the videos and type these people's phone numbers.
Watch the videos and type these people's phone numbers.
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