This blog has no profit-making purpose, it's just an educational tool. To the best of my knowledge, contents included here are public domain. If I have inadvertently infringed your copyright, please contact me so I may correct the matter.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

British & American recipes.

Christmas cupcakes
Christmas cupcakes

Algun@s alumn@s queréis participar en el concurso gastronómico que ha organizado la escuela para la fiesta de navidad del próximo jueves 22, y me habéis pedido algunos links a páginas web de recetas típicas británicas y americanas. Aquí las tenéis:

Christmas cookies
Christmas cookies


Sunday, 20 November 2011

File 2B "Family and friends"

Real English: 
Vocabulary: Family 
Click here, listen and repeat.
Do Family members, by Ivette
Find this and other possessives exercises in English Exercises .org
More exercises:
Family relatioships
Game: Listen to find the pairs
Possessive case ('s)

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Files 1 & 2 Extra practice

Here is some more practice on:  
Visit Inglés Mundial, a great website to learn and practise English.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

"D-I-S-C-O" by Ottawan

Here is the video I promised you...Listen and sing along. Click here and see the pronunciation of the adjectives in the lyrics.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

File 2A: "What's in your bag?"

  • Plural endings:  Visit  this great website (watch the video,read and listen to the rules. Listen and repeat...).  I'd like to congratulate JenniferESL for such excellent work.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Numbers: 1-100

Watch,listen and repeat.

Word Search: Click here and find the numbers. (= Sopa de letras: encuentra los números)

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Pronunciation: "Be" (Short forms)

Click on the short forms of "be", then on "pronunciation", listen and repeat.

Positive forms:

Negative forms:
I'm not
She        isn't
You       aren't

Saturday, 15 October 2011

File 1B "Where are you from?"

Listen and repeat. 

Click here and match the flags with the countries. 

1. Watch the video.
2. Can you do this exercise?
3. What about this exercise?

Click here and listen to a song called "The countries of the world" 

Friday, 7 October 2011

Vocabulary: Classroom objects

Watch this video to revise and learn classroom objects.
(Repasa y aprende objetos de la clase con este video)

Now do this  Classroom Objects Quiz With Audio and check the classroom objects you know and learn some new ones.
(Ahora haz este quiz y comprueba los objetos de clase que sabes y aprende algunos nuevos)
Importante: Para continuar y comprobar que habéis acertado, después de hacer click en el objeto tenéis que hacer click en "submit". 

Thursday, 6 October 2011

The alphabet

Watch this video. Elmo, from Sesame Street , teaches you the English Alphabet. Listen and repeat after him.

Do this online Letters quiz. (Haz click en "play" para escuchar la letra y elige la opción correcta)

This video has three parts.
1. Listen to  some people in the street saying the alphabet.
2. Listen to  some people in the street spelling their names. Can you understand them? Write them down. 
3. At the end of the video you can watch part 2 again with subtitles. Check your answers.

Este video tiene 3 partes:
1. Escucha a algunas personas en la calle diciendo el alfabeto.
2. Escucha a algunas personas en la calle deletreando sus nombres. ¿Puedes entenderles? Escríbelos.
3. Al final del video puedes volver a ver la segunda parte con subtítulos. Comprueba tus respuestas.

Sunday, 2 October 2011


Watch the video and learn basic greetings in English.

Numbers 1-20

Watch the video and practise counting 1-20.

Now play hangman and revise the spelling of numbers 1-20.